3 Step Trauma Release Facilitator Training (Birth Awareness)
This is a fantastic training enabling you to work with clients who have fears around giving birth or have experienced an upsetting or traumatic event (or sequence of events). This might have happened in pregnancy, birth or postnatally (or indeed at any time in their lives, the process is effective).
The process has been tried and tested on hundreds and hundreds of mums and dads over the years with a 100% response rate of feeling better, and a 30% response rate of feeling transformed.
It is a very safe, effective ‘meditation-type process' which helps the sub-conscious mind reorganise its memories, so clients still retain the info and the wisdom from their experiences but are able to remove the triggers; leaving them much more able to move forward in their lives.
The training includes some pre-course learning - an audio to listen to and some questions to answer. This helps you gain an understanding of the principles of NLP that underpin the 3 Step Birth Awareness Process itself.
We then have 2x 3-4hr sessions on Zoom (dates on my website - link below) to go through some more videos together and various examples, plus an opportunity to practice amongst the group. You also receive a script manual to assist you.
Once this is completed you can then do your 2-3 case studies and those participants submit their feedback. We have a wrap up call with myself and/or Mark and then you receive your accreditation and can begin working as a Facilitator with your own clients.
Training is £395 and includes all the above plus access to a Training WA Group for on-going support.