Practice From Home

Pregnancy Yoga Digital Pack

Perfect for when you can’t get to class or when you need a really good night’s sleep. You can access all the videos for every trimester here, including the favourite Yoga For Birth video and our 9 fabulous Guided Relaxations to help you get THE best night’s sleep!

Enjoy all our favourite practices online! It’s all here, ready for you!

PLUS!!! Mini Postnatal Yoga Digital Pack for early post-birth Recovery

Suitable from when your around 1 week to 6-8 weeks postnatal; gentle, recharging practices to help you heal post-birth and get a little bit back into your body. You can then return to Postnatal Mum and Baby Yoga classes near you from 6/8 weeks post-birth, depending on whether you have had a vaginal birth or a c-section. If in doubt, do reach out to check in with your local teacher.

Enjoy every stage of pregnancy, prepare for birth and recover postnatally with LushTums Yoga!

We look forward to welcoming you to the mat soon!