Port Talbot
Thank you for checking out LushTums. Meet Nicola, your local LushTums teacher in Port Talbot.
Nicola offers classes in Pregnancy & Postnatal Yoga, Antenatal Education and Hypno-Birthing.
If you are new and have any questions read the FAQ or reach out to your teacher, Nicola.
To book, please visit Nicola’s page on Facebook to find out more and book in.
We look forward to seeing you on the mat soon and hope you enjoy your classes!
Meet your LushTums Teacher in Port Talbot
Nicola Rous-Morgan
Nicola is a qualified midwife, hypnobirthing practitioner, reiki practitioner and mum of two. Following the birth of her own daughters she become inspired to support other women to have empowering and positive birth experiences. Nicola has recently completed her antenatal yoga training with LushTums and will be training in postnatal and mum and baby yoga early next year. Her classes aim to provide a warm, positive space where women can connect with their baby and connect with other women on this amazing journey into motherhood. Nicola is passionate about sharing the tools and techniques that will help women relax and prepare them for a calm and empowering birth.
nicola@familyflowyoga.co.uk 07503 152283
Nicola’s FEDANT registration number is - 13171
“LushTums classes are amazing. I recommend them to all my pregnant friends!”