Birth Story - Albert Willem & Katie: How Yoga Supported me During Labour




Just wanted to let you know that I have had my baby. I was booked in for induction on Sunday but it got cancelled. I was disappointed but figured if he came on his own, it would be better anyway.

I was re-booked in for Tuesday and the night before my waters broke. I wasn't in mega pain so they told me to hang on until induction appointment at 9 on Tuesday. I was having contractions but they were under control - I knew that when I got up though, gravity would intensify them and sure enough, that happened!

A bumpy ride through Ditchling Beacon was bared and I got to PRH at about 9. I was 4cm dilated.

My first took 67 hours to reach the world. My second was more like 6-7! He was born 3 hours later, 9lb 12oz.

Several things really helped: imagining the mountain and climbing up and down it. Using O and OOO and thinking about how that was allowing the cervix to open. Telling myself 'I can do it, I am doing it' and just going into myself really. The yoga really helped me feel better during the pregnancy too, it's not just about the labour. I want to thank you for everything we did together, I have nothing but good to say about your classes.


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