I Can Do Anything: A Mantra For Mothers
I can do anything.
I carried my baby in my womb for nine months.
I can do anything.
I stayed positive when my belly swelled and my
back ached and my feet were sore.
I can do anything.
I remained patient when my due date came and went.
I can do anything.
I kept calm through my labour and birth and trusted in my body.
I can do anything.
I was mindful when I could have been afraid.
I can do anything.
I have cradled and rocked and shooshed at 3am.
I can do anything.
I have functioned on two hours sleep.
I can do anything.
I have fed my baby when my arms screamed and my back throbbed.
I can do anything.
I have carried my baby, a car seat, a bag of shopping
and a yoga mat up two flights of stairs.
I can do anything.
I have mopped up sick and wee and poop and snot.
I can do anything.
I have done four loads of washing in one day.
I can do anything.
I smiled when strangers have remarked on what a beautiful girl my son is.
I can do anything.
I have changed a wet, wriggling, shouting baby after a swimming lesson.
I can do anything.
I have made new friends whilst feeling shy and self conscious.
I can do anything.
I have stayed true to myself when others have judged me.
I can do anything.
I have made mistakes and not been too hard on myself.
I can do anything.
I have eaten cake with every meal and tried not to judge myself.
I can do anything.
I have loved my partner with all my heart whilst wanting to scream at him.
I can do anything.
I have pushed my buggy up hills, through the wind and the rain.
I can do anything.
I brought my baby into the world and I have loved and nurtured him.
I am a mother.
I can do anything.
Ally Grandison
Ally is mum to Jude, who was born in August 2015. Ally attended Lushtums yoga throughout her pregnancy and she and Jude have been going to postnatal yoga since he was six weeks old. Ally is a Psychology Lecturer at the University of Surrey and Director of the Surrey Baby Lab. This is her take on some of the aspects of life a mum, in the form of a yoga mantra.