Read and get inspired - all things we love about pregnancy, birth and motherhood!
The Blog
Women Coming Together
When women come together, something magical happens. We deepen our connections with each other and with ourselves. We learn so much from each other. Come together and be seen and heard. This blog was written by Tracy Derrett, LushTums & WiggleBums teacher in Monmouth, Wales.
Newborn Mothers: When a baby is born, so is a mother.
I’m in beginning stages of my Post-Natal Yoga Training and have started reading around the subject and just come across this brilliant little book – I had to share it with you all!
Breathing - Preparing For Birth Manual
Regular yoga and breath work practice will put you in tune with your body. Here are some breathing techniques to use during the birthing process.
Now Baby Is Here - Preparing For Birth Manual
It is now commonly accepted that ideally mother and baby should be able to have skin to skin contact immediately following the birth…
The Take Charge Routine for Birth Partners - Preparing For Birth Manual
Reserve this for any time during labour when, or if your partner hits an emotional low. She may suddenly express despair, weep, cry out…
Tips for Birth Partners - Preparing For Birth Manual
Stay calm and relaxed. Be there for her. The adrenalin levels of those near a birthing women can be enough to make her …
Points to remember about Birth: Notes for a Pregnant Woman - Preparing For Birth Manual
Points to remember about Birth: Notes for a Pregnant Woman With thanks to ‘Blessings’ by Binnie A. Dansby, 1996
Positive Affirmations - Preparing For Birth Manual
Combined with all of the pain relief options available, having a positive state of mind is tremendously important.
The Pain Relief Ladder - Preparing For Birth Manual
Having a positive attitude to the sensations of labour really helps you manage your perception and response to any pain.
Stages of Labour - Preparing For Birth Manual
It’s important to prepare yourself for birth and one way to do this is to know what to expect. We’ve put together this blog full of things you’ll need to know for each of the different stages of labour
Hormones and How Fear Affects Labour - Preparing For Birth Manual
It’s important to acknowledge the effects of fear on the body, and during labour in particular, and to understand how staying calm actually helps labour progress.
How To Manage Your Anxiety Through Pregnancy and Motherhood
Dr Natasha Bijlani, a consultant psychiatrist at Priory Hospital Roehampton with a specialist interest in women’s mental health issues and pregnancy-related mood disorders, has put together information and advice on how to…
What is a Contraction? - Preparing For Birth Manual
Contractions are strong muscular tightenings of the womb (uterus), which are needed to open the cervix (or neck of the womb) and to help move the baby down and essentially, push them out.
Induction - Preparing For Birth Manual
Being overdue is very common, especially with your first baby, so relax and don’t worry. Only 5% of babies are born on their due date…
The Signs Labour Is Starting - Preparing For Birth Manual
Finally, you’re in labour! The culmination of months of anticipation, getting to this point can make you feel quite euphoric…
Birth Partners - Preparing For Birth Manual
Today it is commonly assumed that a woman’s partner will take on the role of her birth partner. However this is a relatively modern expectation which only dates back to the 1970s/80s…
Preparing for Birth - Preparing For Birth Manual
Here are some top tips to help when preparing for birth during the later stages of your pregnancy
Making Decisions - Preparing For Birth Manual
As soon as women announce they are pregnant, they are bombarded with information. From well-meaning friends, relatives and people in the supermarket to a plethora of books…
Hospital - Midwife-Led Unit - Home Birth Comparison
We’ve put together some useful information if you are hoping to have your baby in hospital or a midwife-led birth unit or at home. Many women choose to have their babies in hospital where there is everything you need to help you birth your baby.
Due Dates and Inductions
Dealing with due date pressure It is very exciting having a baby and when someone tells you your baby will arrive on this date you can’t help but get attached to that date. However as we know the realities of that happening are very slim.
Can’t find a class near you?
Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!
Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just £45!
It’s all here, ready for you!
Can’t find a class near you?
Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!
Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just £45!