Birth Story - Elodie Autumn Bird: My Birth Story At Our Local Midwife-Led Unit
Mum: Laura
Baby: Elodie
Elodie Autumn Bird was born at 04:04 on Thursday 8th September weighing 7lb 6oz.
I started having contractions on the Monday evening. The breathing techniques that we practiced in Clair's class were invaluable to help me through the contractions! I also tried doing the all fours circles and figure of eight which were really beneficial at this stage!
After a tiring few days I finally went into St. Michael’s midwife led unit on Wednesday night. They moved us into the room with a pool, however I didn't have chance to use it until after Elodie was born as she was on her way by the time it had filled up! The midwives were excellent at following my birth plan and we were able to have immediate skin to skin, delayed cord clamping (which Daddy then got to cut) and a physiological third stage.
We had to stay in for a couple of days so they could monitor me as I had lost quite a bit of blood and had a fast heart rate. The midwives on the ward were excellent at helping me to breastfeed so this time was actually very beneficial!
Elodie is doing really well, putting on loads of weight and we're loving being parents! I miss Clair's classes, but am excited to join her mum and baby yoga classes in Bristol soon!