Read and get inspired - all things we love about pregnancy, birth and motherhood!
The Blog
Birth Story - Zeppelin George and Emma: When Birth Doesn't Follow your Birth Plan (and why that's okay)
I haven't been to class for a couple of weeks so you may have guessed, our little one made an unexpected and early appearance. I wanted to tell you the story of how it all happened because you played such a huge part in my pregnancy and getting me into the head space that allowed me to cope with what came next.
Birth story - Woody and Clare: Third Time Lucky: The Water Birth I'd Been Waiting For
I just wanted to let you know we completed our crew with a little boy!
He was born on the 6th August - 9 days late and the night before I was due to be induced. My waters went in the afternoon in the middle of wish park - all very exciting - and we headed to hospital about 7pm.
Birth story - My Home Birth with a Doula
I'm not even sure if I like the flavours in a vindaloo, or I like the challenge more? Either way my reasoning for having one felt purely to tick some boxes. Have lots of sex they say, have a hot curry, eat 56 pineapples in 30 seconds etc. Does any of that work? Who knows.
Birth story - Feeling Empowered and Trusting My Instincts:
I was one of your yoga mamas throughout the latter part of 2014...I wanted to write and let you know we had a beautiful baby boy over the Christmas period (27/12)… Wilfie Robert. He's a beaut!!
Birth story - Nico and Laura: My C-Section Birth
We had planned to have our baby as naturally as possible using water and active birthing principles. However, when he was still breech at 37 weeks, I was booked in for an ECV to try to turn him. Clair helped by discussing this in class as well as other options. The breathing techniques learned at LushTums came in use
Birth story - Jude and Ally: Why a Birth Plan needs to be Flexible
Writing a couple of paragraphs on my birth experience has proved to be quite tricky. Not least because I have a wriggling 11 week old in my arms who is happily feeding (I send out apologies for "bremailing"…
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It’s all here, ready for you!
Can’t find a class near you?
Don’t worry! All our favourite practices now online. You can access the LushTums Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack today!
Access expert videos for EVERY TRIMESTER, YOGA FOR BIRTH and 9 fabulous GUIDED RELAXATIONS all designed with YOU in mind - the Pregnancy & Birth Digital Pack is just £45!